Swedish Politics

by RelicPlay



Feelin a mite poor after ahootin n a-hollerin bout that doggone Obamacare with some obese liberal walrus of a man promoting socialism? What are them crazy socialist Swedes up to anyways, ya might ask yerself?Wal, time fer some good ole schoolin bout Swedish Politics! Say Howdy-ho to them eight leaders of the parties represented in the Swedish parliament:Jonas Sjöstedt, Vänsterpartiet: Leads Swedens commu-pack.Stefan Löfven, Socialdemokraterna: Some socialist.Gustan Fridolin, Miljöpartiet: Some green socialist.Åsa Romson, Miljöpartiet: Some other green socialist.Annie Lööf, Centerpartiet: Some liberal.Jan Björklund, Folkpartiet: Some other liberal.Anna Kinberg-Batra, Nya Moderaterna: Another liberal.Göran Hägglund, Kristdemokraterna: A fine Christian man and a right-wing conservative.Jimmie Åkesson, Sverigedemokraterna: Swedish patriot of some sort, whod possibly want to close the Mexican border shut.Larn a tad more bout these guys an gals inside the app!